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KVKK Policy

General Information about the Law on Protection of Personal Data
The Law on the Protection of Personal Data No. 6698 (hereinafter referred to as KVKK) was adopted on March 24, 2016, and published in the Official Gazette No. 29677 dated April 7, 2016. Some parts of KVKK entered into force on the date of publication, and some parts on October 7, 2016.

Information as Data Controller
In accordance with KVKK No. 6698 and as the Data Controller, your personal data will be recorded, stored, updated, disclosed/transferred to third parties where permitted by legislation, classified, and processed in the manner specified in KVKK.

How Your Personal Data Can Be Processed
In accordance with KVKK No. 6698, the personal data you share with our company can be processed by being obtained, recorded, stored, changed, rearranged, in whole or in part, through automatic or non-automatic means, provided that it is part of any data recording system. Any operation performed on data within the scope of KVKK is considered as "processing of personal data."

Purposes and Legal Reasons for Processing Your Personal Data
The personal data you share will be processed in compliance with the provisions of the contract and technology requirements, to improve the products and services we offer to our customers, in accordance with the Electronic Commerce Regulation Law No. 6563, the Consumer Protection Law No. 6502, and the regulations based on these laws, published in the Official Gazette dated August 26, 2015, No. 29457, and the Regulation on Service Providers and Intermediary Service Providers in Electronic Commerce, the Distance Contracts Regulation published in the Official Gazette dated November 27, 2014, No. 29188, and other relevant legislation;

To identify the information of the transaction owner for the purpose of recording identity, address, and other necessary information, in accordance with the banking and electronic payment systems, to arrange all records and documents that will be the basis for the transaction in electronic or paper environment; to comply with the information storage, reporting, and information obligations stipulated by the legislation and other authorities;

To provide information to public officials on matters of public security and legal disputes upon request and in accordance with the legislation;
Your personal data will be processed in compliance with KVKK and related secondary regulations.

Information on Third Parties or Organizations to Which Your Personal Data May Be Transferred
For the purposes mentioned above, the persons or organizations to which your personal data you share with our company may be transferred include our main company that provides our e-commerce infrastructure, Agesoft Software Industry and Trade Inc., suppliers, shipping companies, and other third parties involved in the services we provide, and organizations with which we collaborate, both domestically and internationally.

Methods of Collecting Your Personal Data
Your personal data may be collected through various channels including forms on our company’s website and mobile applications, including name, surname, Turkish ID number, address, phone number, business or private email address, along with data such as user name and password, IP records of transactions performed, cookie data collected by the browser, browsing time and details, location data;
Through our sales and marketing department employees, branches, suppliers, other sales channels, paper forms, business cards, digital marketing and call center channels, either verbally, in writing, or electronically;

From persons who share their personal data with business cards, resumes (CVs),offers, and other means for establishing a commercial relationship, job application, or making offers;

In addition, indirectly from different channels, (micro) websites used for various purposes such as web sites, blogs, contests, surveys, games, campaigns, social media platforms; through reading or clicking movements on e-bulletins, publicly available data sources, social media profiles and data shared publicly;
All can be processed and collected.

Personal Data Obtained Before KVKK Came into Force
Your personal data legally obtained before the effective date of KVKK, April 7, 2016, including membership, electronic communication permission, product/service purchase, and other means, will also be processed and maintained in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in this document.

Transfer of Personal Data Abroad
Your personal data may be transferred abroad for processing or storage, to service intermediaries (accredited by the Personal Data Protection Board and where sufficient protection is provided) in compliance with KVKK, within the scope of contract purposes, and using any of the methods listed above.

Storage and Protection of Personal Data
Your personal data will be stored confidentially in databases and systems within our company as required by Article 12 of KVKK. It will not be shared with third parties, except for legal obligations and regulations specified in this document. Our company is responsible for preventing unauthorized access and implementing software and physical security measures to ensure the safety of personal data as required by Article 12 of KVKK. In case of unauthorized access or unlawful processing of personal data, it will be promptly reported in writing to the Personal Data Protection Board in accordance with legal regulations.

Keeping Personal Data Accurate and Up-to-date
According to Article 4 of KVKK, our company is obliged to keep your personal data accurate and up-to-date. Our customers must share accurate and updated data or update them via our website/mobile application to fulfill their obligations under the current legislation.

Rights of Personal Data Owner According to KVKK No. 6698
As of October 7, 2016, Article 11 of KVKK has entered into force, granting the following rights to the Personal Data Owner, who can apply to our company (data controller):

To learn whether personal data is processed,
To request information if personal data has been processed,
To learn the purpose of processing personal data and whether they are used in accordance with their purpose,
To know the third parties to whom personal data is transferred domestically or abroad,
To request the correction of personal data if it is incomplete or incorrectly processed,
To request the deletion or destruction of personal data within the framework of the conditions stipulated in Article 7 of KVKK,
To request the notification of the transactions made according to subparagraphs (d) and (e) to third parties to whom personal data has been transferred,
To object to a result against the person arising from the analysis of processed data exclusively through automated systems,
To claim compensation for damage arising from the unlawful processing of personal data.
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